Wednesday, May 11, 2011

April Fool's day joke

When was having a bath, received the West Chamber notes on SMS: "h resigned in unemployment. "My first reaction is to guess whether this is April Fool's day joke. To the West Chamber notes on that high IQ, April Fool's day text messages I can have a good think about it, cannot be fooled. Because if that is true, he knows I will be sad. I under the stabilization, his mind fast thinking, analysis, this is not April Fool's day joke. Message me back; "shock! "He is back:" danding! "I made" a little faster than I would like to. "Because I predict before h in that broken company at most for a month. Romance notes on reply: "Yes, he must finish loading at least two months, and then there's qualifications, what? A Pisces? ”

Bath on computers, see h message: to resign.

Romance notes on h of university teachers, h is a fellow and his favourite pupil.

Excellent young genius from Hainan to resign before the h to Guangzhou, to the new company job. I regret when he said he would resign was involved in all the prodsb. into action echoed. Because just last year, once he has packaged good luggage, said to resign to Changsha, Changsha after friends heard of Rapture ready for the had to meet him, he breaks his word. It has been our ridicule.

Leaving the first two days, I see this as he is true, begin a well-meaning advised him, to him not to go to the small company, or condescended to, left a bad experience. His original work very good, good work platform, undisciplined living environment, conducive to writing. But he still insisted on his choice.

Anyway, h this will surely be a little combat. Originally, he was very tough, graduates have a job suited to one ' s special training work, also published in many newspapers, such as the Southern Metropolis daily commentary, a TV program on when guests, future is bright ...

Life does not mean that everyone must be setbacks encountered nothing, especially on April Fool's day, there are comic color, can in the future when is a joke. After the key is turning point. H is brilliant, I believe he will be a commentator on current affairs.

Hey! I know what you may cry, made up of the town, is himself!

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